The extraordinary warm spell in Europe broke several monthly records yesterday and will continue until the end of October.
🚩 Yesterday October 28 was a historical day in France with highs locally above 32°C and minimum temperatures above 23°C (like at Socoa).
Yesterday Mullheim in Germany rose to 28.7°C and Freiburg to 27.8°C.
Some October records were broken, like 21.8°C at Zinnwald-Georgenfeld (877m).
Delemont in Switzerland jumped to the extraordinary value of 27.4°C and Poland recorded highs over 24°C.
A Saharan dust episode affected a good part of southern Europe giving typical hazy/ Calima skies and extended further north as far as parts of the UK.
🔥 The greatest anomalies are across the central parts of the continent, especially over France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and even further east over Poland, Czech Republic and eastern Europe with temperatures even more than 12°C above average for late-October.
This warm spell will be remembered for both its duration and its geographical extension and this month will probably be one of the warmest October in history for Europe.
🌡 In the first days of November there will be a temperature drop compared to the values recorded in the coming days, especially in western Europe.
However, this will be a return to average temperatures for the period.
Only Portugal and Spain will see slightly below average temperatures, due to a wide Atlantic trough approaching from the west.
For the arrival of the first cold outbreaks we will have to wait until the second half of November, which could be more dynamic with frequent cold fronts spreading across much of Europe.
📸 Credits by Meteociel, SKIRON and Extremetemps