Early-season heat is spreading into most of the European continent, setting some records especially in Portugal, Spain and southern France where some areas are recording daily temperatures locally above +30°C.
Yesterday hottest spots in Spain were Badajoz with 34.8°C and El Granado, Huelva with 34.6°C – which is around 8 to 10°C above the May average.Also today many locations have recorded maximum temperatures above 30°C.The re-strengthening of the Azores’ high-pressure system is gradually expanding into southern and central Europe.It will cause a strong warm advection from the west towards the east, gradually strengthening and expanding into the Mediterranean and afterwards the Balkans by this coming weekend.
Warmer than average temperatures will extend across much of the Mediterranean area into the Balkan Peninsula by the next weekend, where several regions could reach 30°C for the first time this year.Maximum temperatures are several degrees above the average, giving an early Summer feel.The overall temperatures are quite well-above the average for mid-May, even more than 8 degrees warmer than normal. Especially strong anomalies are seen over Portugal, Spain and southern France but also over northern Italy, Austria and Switzerland.
Another more intense heatwave is expected over most of the European continent through mid-May.This time the early-season heat will spread into northern Europe and should set records, particularly over Iceland, Ireland, UK and Scandinavia.Norway, Sweden and Finland could see temperatures even more than 12 degrees warmer than normal. Also Denmark, Benelux and northern Germany could hit all-time records for this period, with maximum temperatures locally above +28°C.
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