A particularly strong temperature gradient/contrast between the north and south Europe is expected towards the next weekend.
While the temperatures across Scandinavia and the Arctic region will be more than 15°C above normal, temperatures across south-eastern Europe will be 10-15°C below normal.That’s a really impressive contrast developing, leading to early spring temperatures for the north, but freezing cold across the Alpine region, Italy and most of the Balkan peninsula.
During the second half of the week, a winter storm with heavy snowfall is also increasingly likely to develop across southern portions of the Balkan peninsula.Bringing decent amounts of snow for Serbia, Bosnia, Northern Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece.While strong breezy winds will bring back winter feel across the northern parts of the peninsula.
Portions of the southern Balkans could see even up to around 50 cm of fresh snow next week through March 14th, similar across some parts of Turkey.Southern Italy and Greece as well, as temperatures will be very cold for March.Some new snow is also forecast across Ukraine, Georgia, and indeed the High Tatras and Carpathian mountains.
Graphics provided by Pivotal Weather #nextclima#winterstorm#snowfall#snowstorm#coldweather#coldoutbreak#coldspell#extremeweather#severeweather#balkans#balkanpeninsula#ukraine#georgia#hightatras#carpathians#greece#turkey#serbia#bosnia#macedonia#bulgaria