A strong medicane could hit Sicily, southern Calabria and Malta in the next 48/72 hours.
🌀 The cyclonic storm, probably a TLC cyclone (tropical like cyclone) is expected to peak between Thursday and Friday.
The medicane (a term used to name a Mediterranean cyclone with characteristics of a tropical cyclone and the appearance of a hurricane) will generate major flooding over southern Italy and Malta.
Wind gusts of up to 110 km/h are possible in addition to severe inundation.
A severe storm surge with waves up to 6-8 meters is also expected on the coasts of Sicily, Calabria and Malta.
☔ Today the southern Italian island of Sicily was already hit by widespread flooding around the city of Catania, with streets and squares transformed into rivers and lakes and at least two deaths.
The rain has inundated some of Catania’s most famous streets and squares, causing a blackout in the city centre and flooding shops.
Parts of Sicily, the adjacent toe of Italy, Calabria, and Malta will be pounded by this rare tropical-like cyclone developing also for the high temperatures of the sea (about 23°C – 8 degrees Celsius warmer than the average for this time of year).
📸 Graphics provided by Meteociel, Wetterzentrale and Wrf Lamma
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